What We’re Reading: September 2019
From time to time we’ll share some of the interesting and thought-provoking content from around the Internet that we come across during our work.
Have you come across any great Bible-related content lately? Leave a link in the comments below!
*Note: Sharing doesn’t necessarily imply agreement with the article or endorsement of the author.
Phil Vischer Wants More Gospel in the Veggies by Kara Bettis, Christianity Today
VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer wants to help kids understand the meta-story. Just as we have lamented that kids are usually taught the Bible as isolated stories with a moral takeaway, Vischer sees kids running to the Avengers and Harry Potter for their founding story. “They want to be a part of a big story, and we’ve lost the ability to excite them that the gospel is a big story. That’s what I’ve been trying to do with my most recent projects: Let’s tell the big story of the Bible and get kids excited about it again.”
The books of today have nothing on the scrolls of 2,300 years ago by Evan Nicole Brown, Fast Company
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 has been one of the most important finds of modern archaeology. But how were the scrolls even able to survive for over two thousand years? Scientists at MIT are studying the makeup of the scrolls to gain a better understanding of ancient parchment making and preservation techniques.
Introductions to the Books of the Bible by FULLER studio
This brand-new project from Fuller Seminary in partnership with the Grace & Mercy Foundation features more than 30 Fuller faculty introducing books of the Bible from their various areas of expertise. These well-produced short videos help set the table for reading Scripture by looking at the unique themes embedded within each book. The four Gospels are available now, with more videos coming soon.
Why it matters if your Bible was translated by a racially diverse group by Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley in the Washington Post
Wheaton College New Testament professor Esau McCaulley explores the importance of using language in our Bible translations that faithfully communicates meaning and truth in ways the reader will understand. Since translation is much more complex than 1:1 correlations between Hebrew or Greek and modern-day English, faithful interpretation of the passage is essential. Dr. McCaulley argues that we must pursue diversity within translation committees that uses gifts and insights from a variety of backgrounds, rendering a Bible that speaks to all people.