What We’re Reading: December 2018

From time to time we’ll share some of the interesting and thought-provoking content from around the Internet that we come across during our work. Enjoy!

*Note: Sharing doesn’t necessarily imply 100% agreement with the article or endorsement of the author.

Tiny Books Fit in One Hand. Will They Change The Way We Read? by Alexandra Alter, NY Times

Research proves time and time again that most people prefer reading print books, but the convenience and portability of cell phones has led lots of people to start reading books on their device. This fun article outlines how one publisher is still tinkering with print design to meet modern needs of portability while pushing for the best possible reading experience.

Fiction Writers and The Church by Jason Link, Multiply Magazine

Living in the Age of Information tempts us to reduce the Bible to a trove of information that must be parsed and analyzed. In this interview with Joel Green, Dean of the School of Theology at Fuller Seminary, Green shares how reading fiction like The Lord of the Rings shapes how he reads the Bible. There’s a lack of imagination within the evangelical church, he says, and it’s been replaced with logic and propositions and syllogisms. Reading fiction and fantasy opens up a different part of our brains and unlocks our imaginations to experience wonder and emotionally respond to what we read. All of which are valuable skills for reading the Bible.

Ask N. T. Wright Anything Podcast hosted by Justin Brierley of Premier Christian Radio

In this brand-new podcast, renowned New Testament scholar N. T. Wright fields questions from listeners on a variety of topics from the atonement to the historical Jesus to the reliability of the gospel accounts. Wright is able to explain complex theological concepts at a very accessible and non-technical level, and takes listeners into the world of ancient Judaism and the first-century church. Here’s a small sample, and you can view a few more video samples of the podcast here.

My father died. Where is he now? // Ask NT Wright Anything