Episode 31: Setting the Table for Good Bible Reading w/ BibleProject’s Tim Mackie & Jon Collins
Interacting with the Bible can be a confusing cross-cultural experience — where should you even start? And how can we overcome some of the conventions in modern-day Bible publication that can obscure the patterns and features of the original text, adding more layers of confusion?
In our second episode with BibleProject co-founders Tim Mackie and Jon Collins, we zoom out from their story to talk more generally about the state of Bible engagement as a whole. Listen as they share the most important approaches and ideas they want people to walk away with when it comes to interacting with the Scriptures.
Learn more about BibleProject: https://bibleproject.com/
Become a ChangeMaker and support our work: https://instituteforbiblereading.org/changemakers/
Check out Glenn Paauw’s Seminary Now course mentioned in this episode: Reading and Living the Bible Well