Fully Human and Fully Divine
Jesus Christ is the living Word of God – the definitive and complete revelation of who God is. At the same time, he is completely human: God coming to earth as a man and experiencing humanity in all its fullness.
Something similar can be said of the Bible. God inspired the words in the Bible as his written, authoritative Word, meant to communicate his intentions and fulfill his purposes for the world.
Yet the Bible is also a fully human composition, authored by real people in real historical and cultural settings. In the Bible we find languages and literature that were common during the time periods in which the Bible was composed, reflecting God’s desire to speak in ways that real people can comprehend.
These divine and human characteristics do not compete or conflict with each other, but rather work together. As God was truly with us in the life and presence of Jesus of Nazareth, so God comes to us in the Bible through words that are fully connected to and embedded in our world.